• Aug 15, 2023 from 9:00am to 1:30pm
  • Location: Terri and Brett Bowen’s house 107 Bald Eagle Crescent in Bowser
  • Categories: Class
  • Latest Activity: Jul 29, 2023

En Plein Air Painting Experience 

Wander our garden and then enjoy a PowerPoint presentation prepared by VIU Elder College and MAC instructor Terri Bowen (B.Ed., M.A.). You will learn about the history of flowers, their symbolism and who painted them well, and some gidelines for painting certain types. Then go out to a Bowser garden, which is prized for over 1400 Dahlia plants and paint in your favorite spot. (Please check out their website: www.ddcdahlias.com ) Afterwards, bring back your creations to share and have a “High Tea” lunch in Terri and Brett’s garden. Extra help, encouragement and step by step guidance can be given to beginners as well as more experienced painters. You will receive pre-instruction, via email, from Terri.

What: All art materials except brushes plus a “High Tea” luncheon and drinks.

Bring your brushes, a chair to sit on in the dahlia garden and if you own an easel, that’s very helpful too. $75 with high tea included; $65 if you bring your own lunch. Tea will be provided for all participants. Vegetarian choices can be provided if requested but I apologize that gluten-free and dairy-free diets cannot be accommodated for the food portion.

Where: Terri and Brett Bowen’s house 107 Bald Eagle Crescent in Bowser 250-327-9040; tlbowen@shaw.ca

More details upon registration. Please contact me before August 11